RepulicaNation serves to bring back those on the right- libertarians, conservatives, republicans, theocrats, and others- into a unified, cohesive strain of thought instead of the varied, nonsensical, partisan driven babble that the "RNC" and other RINO entities attempt to shove down our throats. There is a reason why in 2008, Republicans are in more of a dire strait than ever, and it is because of the establishment, the Conservative power grip that has driven the party nearly into the ground on not only political issues, but cultural and international ones as well.
While the country tends to a makeover from the liberal agenda that is Nancy Pelosi and President Obama, Republicans must fight back, but not with moderates addressing their own beliefs, and hard-liners focusing on other values. The strongest offense is a defense, and the strongest defense is a unified front with a clear objective. The clear objective here is simple; reopen the American public to the virtues of conservatism through theoretical and logical approaches, to cut out the Rush Limbaugh vs. Colin Powell nonsense and instead take a look at those to the left, not those within our own party.
RepulicaNation will focus on every inch, every facet and every aspect in the political arena, keeping a keen eye on the left and with a mind towards reinventing ideas on the right. I look forward to spurring a new motor and sense of will on the right, a motor that Reagan, Rand, Kissinger, Burke, Buckley, and Lincoln could all be proud of, that is an attempt to consolidate Republican ideas into one venue and save our party from the pitfalls of past history by having us be the leaders of tomorrow's history.
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