Thursday, June 18, 2009

21st Century Conservative Take on North Korea


   The situation in North Korea has undoubtedly taken a turn for the worst. The imprisonment of two American journalists to 12 years of hard labor is a circumstance under which we seem to have sacrificed the women for some sort of "greater good." The Obama administration's response to this issue has been insignificant and half hearted, to say the least. Anytime Americans are imprisoned under a ruthless Juche styled dictatorship, the President must have his actions speak louder than words, a sentiment our President fails to adhere to. 
  The confound the already frightening situation is the advent of nuclear technology that manifested itself when the North Koreans successfully deployed a short range nuclear missile, and the rumor mill has it that they are preparing to test a Taepondong missile that has long range capabilities, warning sailors around the region to depart the area. I wonder why????
  This situation is clearly a fragile one- and fragile situations are ones that require more proactive response and less casual ones- STICKS AND STONES MAY BREAK MY BONES BUT WORDS CAN NEVER HARM ME. Obama needs to heed this timeless phrase! Economic punishments MUST be in store for North Korea, Obama needs to pressure the Chinese more so than Bush or Clinton did in getting them to halt or slow trade activity with the North Koreans, as China is vital to North Korea's weakening economic vitality. North Korea needs to be put back on the list of state sponsored terrorist nations, and not only for the dampening reputation but because states on that list ARE SUBJECT TO SEVERE ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES. We need to grapple through months of legal paperwork to "legally" prove that they should be put back on the list? To hell with that. Put them on the list, put them on now, and start cutting down on their trade drastically. The only way to spur change in these type of crazy dictatorial types is by eliminating their purse- they are obviously immune to threats as Bush learned, and immune to cries of peace and diplomacy as Obama has learned. They are not immune to military and economic sanctions- no nation on Earth is- and its time that the North Koreans be reprimanded for possessing a bomb that, given their leaders desires, might very well be deployed. Enough of diplomacy and playing nice, already. When North Korea continues to posess nuclear capabilities, they are a danger to EVERYONE on this planet.

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